Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day #7 ~ The Boring Part of Sick

It's that time of your sickness that can be the most annoying. You still don't feel well but you're starting to get, or already ARE, bored out of your mind!! TV, Netflix, HuluPlus, Youtube, laptop, Pintrest, and yes, even Blogger have all run their course and you just don't feel like staring at the 4 walls of the room your in anymore. You want to get up, get out, get with something else, anything else!!!

The problem? You still have ZERO energy and everything takes way too much effort! Your brain is functioning at nearly 100% but your body is still schlumping around mustering only a whopping 15%, and that's just to get you from the recliner or bed to the bathroom or refrigerator.

Case in point: My brain looks at the carpet in the TV room, play room, and living room. It needs to be vacuumed. It missed it's Friday vacuuming and needs it DESPERATELY. My brain tells me I can do it...I walk to the vacuum in the laundry room and by the time that I arrive I barely have enough energy to wheel it out. The vacuum stays put and back to my recliner I go..

That is so frustrating for me!!

...and so I must tell myself...

April, you're not Wonder Woman. You're no lazy, you're sick. Stay put and get well.

A picture of what I'm looking forward to in December:

                                                ~Love me some Rockin' Roller Coaster!!~

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