Monday, May 6, 2013

Day #8 ~ Cravings

Oh my WORD!!! I am having SUCH cravings today. I don't think that typing them out will help, but maybe if I go through it I can get over it!

-Donuts: I want a fresh, still-warm-from-the-cooker, cream spilling out, chocolate frosting slightly melting off the top, Boston Creme donut from Dunkin Donuts!! Now mind you, I've only had a donut with that perfect description ONCE in my entire life. Usually they have been sitting there a while. They're still GOOD, don't get me wrong, but I would LOVE to eat like 8 of those perfectly awesome donuts...

-Chicken McNuggets: Hey, I'm still sick so I've STILL got the McDonald's cravings going on...

-Ice Cream: I want chocolate chip mint ice cream with gobs of hot fudge and super yummy whipped cream and cherry... or I want chocolate peanut butter ice cream with gobs of hot fudge, melted peanut butter, whipped cream, cherry, Resses Pieces and a Resses peanut butter cup on the side!

-Brownies from Whole Foods: 'Nuff said. They're brownies from Whole Foods...and they're good!!!!  Just beware, they give you major poops!!!

-Caramel Apples: Mmmmmmmm!! So sweet and sugary! Yummo!!

-Chewy bread with spinach dip: This is a specialty item that I make for family parties, and today I happen to be craving it!!!

-Steak and Lobster: It's not that fattening and I can, in fact, have it, however it is QUITE pricey so I will not be having that any time soon! haha!

I will RESIST every one of these things!!! I will however perhaps refer to this when I need a Food I Adore next time =]


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